Massage oils are blends of carrier oils and essential oils. They come in various blends and can be customized according to your needs and skin type.

The well-established spas offer various blends of massage oils, each serving a different purpose. But for homemade massage oils, you can choose the carrier and essential oils according to your skincare needs. Especially if you have sensitive skin, you must carefully choose your oil blends as every massage oil reacts differently for different skin types.

The Best Carrier Oils for Massage Oil Blends

Massage oil blends contain a carrier oil used as the recipe's base. They also dilute essential oils as it is not recommended to use concentrated essential oils directly on the skin.

Choose any carrier oil you like or regularly use to make your massage oil blend. Also, you must choose one based on your skin type and needs.

Here are a few top carrier oils to create the best massage oil blends.

Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet almond oil has a mild natural aroma and is one of the best moisturizers. The oil is extracted from sweet almonds and is perfect for people with dry skin. The oil is light and blends through the skin without getting absorbed too fast. It maintains moisture for a long time. Additionally, sweet almond oil also tones your skin and reduces stretch marks.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the holy grail for many people. It is a brilliant carrier oil that nourishes your skin and brings back the glow. Coconut oil is also skin-friendly and suits almost every skin type – from normal to dry skin. Know more about coconut oil and its many benefits here.

Sesame oil

Ayurveda also considers sesame oil one of the best carrier oils for massage therapy. The oil gets absorbed well in a reasonable time and seals moisture into your skin. So, if you have dry skin issues, massage sesame oil to see improvements.


The Best Essential Oils for Massage Oil Blends

Essential oils are a must in massage oil blends. When looking for massage oils near me, you will find several options for massage oil blends containing different types of essential oils.

Here, you do not need an elaborate recipe. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the carrier oil. It gets diluted and is ready to use for massage therapies.

Find below a few essential oils that are perfect for massage oil blends.

Lavender – Lavender oil is a crowd favorite. Many prefer this essential oil's sweet, relaxing, and soothing fragrance for massage sessions.

Tea Tree – Tea tree oil is beneficial for acne-prone and blemish-prone skin. It helps to reduce dark spots and is also known to prevent acne breakouts.